Chapter 2 of "The Connected Educator"

In chapter 2 of the book "The Connected Educator" the author begins to discuss the extensive topic of developing a connected learning model. The author says, "In connected learning communities, colleagues develop shared visions, common goals, and beliefs around principled change" (Nussbaum-Beach, 2012). These communities can be developed online as well and be filled with not only local, but global colleagues and connections. This allows for even more achievement within a field.
By interacting with others in this
connected community platform, professionals will also get a first had look at the diversity in their field. This is another important topic covered in this chapter, as the author discusses how diversity is a major part of the professional world. Personal networks encourage diversity and learning new and different ideas from those different from yourself. These are experiences that you may have never had otherwise. Collaborating in these types of environments encourage a culturally competent industry, and allow for many to learn more for their profession, and for life, than they may have otherwise.
Hi Lisa! I really agree with your first line the second paragraph. Communities allow us to open our eyes to see other perspectives and communicate with others in the same field as us. I think as we enter of future careers it is important for us to remember to stay diverse and consider everyone's take instead of just our own. I am a nursing major and something we discussed in class is culture and how as nurses we need to be aware of each one as well as remember our own. Which learning community do you think you will use the most?