Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of the book, "The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age", continues on the topic of connected learning, but goes much more in depth on internet tools that can be used to support this. These tools cover a wide range, including some of the most well-known platforms like Blogger, WordPress, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google Docs. These tools can aid the development of connected learning communities. Also, doing so is fairly easy because "you do not need to be a web expert to take advantage of these tools—many of them are used widely because they are easy to use" (Hall & Nussbaum-Beach). It helps, as well, that technology is such a big and important part of our lives already, through social media, so many already have a basic understanding of using technology in their personal lives. Having access to, and understanding of these tools can make a big impact in the quality of your connected learning. For example, the chapter talks about different blogs available, specifically one called Edublog. Edublog allows educators to communicate with students and parents. This allows for a much more effective communication between everyone, as well as, a much more in depth connection on educational topics, current information regarding events or issues, and a much better discussion forum (Hall & Nussbaum-Beach). For someone like myself who plans on perusing a degree in Health Science, a platform like this would be so beneficial. I would have such better access to connect with my patients, as well as their families, or other professionals. Being a part of a connected learning community and having tools that assist me in that can provide so much more knowledge and opportunity for me in my career, that otherwise would not be available. Do you feel these tools will aid you in your future career, as well? And in what ways?
Hi Lisa! I like how you summarized the chapter so short and sweet, but to the point. It got all of the points across without dragging anything out too much. I also like how you connected it to your future career, for being in the Health Science field, it is so important to be able to stay connected to your patients, and that is what they would prefer to feel like they are getting a better experience and better help. So with that being said, I think that having access to these different web tools would greatly benefit you. I also feel that these tools would benefit me in my future career, for going into Psychology, I would also be able to stay connected with my patients as well.