Kidblog is a platform that was founded in 2007 to connect students, teachers, and parents to the classroom for an all-inclusive education. The website is geared to elementary and middle school kids specifically. This website allows for students to publish their writing, audio, visual, or video projects. It also allows teachers to create a class blog as a way to communicate with parents. Teachers are able to include parents in important information regarding their children. This can include things like information about daily happenings in the classroom, upcoming deadlines, and learning tips for students. Teachers also have the ability to use Kidblog as a digital portfolio, which could grow with students from year to year within the same school district. Kidblog has many different imortant features like privacy adjustments, allowing anyone from the students and parents to view content, up to the general public.
It is also very easy to create a blog by allowing the teacher to implement all the students and give one password they can all use, eliminating the need for young kids to remember usernames and passwords. Most importantly, Kidblog doesn’t collect any information on the students, allowing this site to be used by children under 13 years old. This works in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). , this website can be really beneficial for teachers, students, and parents given the level of involvement. With this website there is no better way to know what your child is doing in school, and no better way for teachers to track their students’ progress. I would recommend all teachers trying this platform in their classes and seeing what kind of impact it can make on the education of the students.
ReplyDeleteThis web tool sounds like a great idea. I remember when I was in elementary and middle school, my parents felt very disconnected from what was going on in the classroom and had to only rely on myself telling them what I learned. This is so great and lets parents be more involved in the classroom of their kids. When I have kids one day, I hope that my children's teacher will use a tool like this so that I can understand everything that is going on.
Lisa, this web tool is very interesting. I have never heard of it, but I could see myself using this for my profession, 8th grade mathematics teacher. I could communicate with parents and assign fun projects that my students could complete while using this app.
ReplyDeleteThis web tool sounds like it is geared more towards elementary students, which is great! It seems like there's a couple different versions of this kind of tool, but it's always nice when the parents are connected because I think a lot of the miscommunication between parents and students regarding school comes from the students not wanting to tell them something, or forgetting, but this way, it allows that to not be a problem. It is also nice that the parents can see the teacher tracking the students progress, and the areas in which they need a little more attention or help.
ReplyDeleteThis web tool sounds like a great way for younger students to start getting used to working online. The world of education seems to be moving in that direction and this will definitely help. Having them build a portfolio from such a young age is also great because they will always have it. Most importantly, it will teach them how portfolios work. This all sounds very beneficial to the elementary level kids it is geared towards.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of this tool, but it seems really great. When I was in elementary school none of my teachers ever used websites to stay connected. It is amazing how far along technology has come since I was a little kid. I think it is great that there are websites like this for elementary and middle schools now. Children do not always have the best memory, so if teachers are able to put it online and the parents can see then they can make sure the students are doing everything. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI am not familiar with KidBlog but after reading and watching your video it seems like a wonderful tool for students, teachers, and even parents. I personally do not see myself using this in my future career, but I know many younger kids use tools like these because I have two younger brothers who use a tool like this. My mom stays connected with the boys grades and teachers.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of kidblog before but it sounds very useful for my education major. I could use this in the future to help connect classmates, teacher and parents. Thank you for explaining this web tool to me.
ReplyDeleteI am unfamiliar with Kidblog, probably because you mentioned that it is geared towards elementary and middle school kids! I like the idea of this tool because I think it is vital that parents are involved with a student's education. I don't believe parents should take responsibility off students when they become involved, but this allows them to keep an eye out for what may help. This is definitely a great tool that future educators can use!
ReplyDeleteHey Lisa, This is something that I ahven't heard about. It reminds me of Blogger or WordPress because of the blogging style. This would be great for the classroom because what parent doesn't want to see what their children are up to in class. This is a great way to form of a discussion based topic or even a way for the students to communicate on in a different way with their peers.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI have never used this tool before but I think it is similar to some other tools I have used. I can definitely see myself useful in my future classroom. This is especially a good way for students to work on writing pieces and get their work out there for other people to see and read.
I have never heard of Kidblog before and I have never used it before either. I feel like this tool can be very useful for younger students to use. The students can benefit from using this tool because they will be able to have their own digital portfolio. I don't really see myself using this tool in my future career since I'm not going to be a teacher.
ReplyDeleteThis app seems to force kids to truly dive into the digital culture that has never been more prevalent. The fact that it puts an emphasis on not only writing, but video and audio content lets kids be creative in other ways that aren't writing. Now that children are becoming more technologically savvy, visual stimulation should be woven into the curriculum to allow kids to expressive themselves through a different medium.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of Kidblog, and even though it is similar to google classroom I think it is always good to use different tools and see what works the best.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of this tool before! Kidblog seems like a good place for parents to keep up with what is going on in the classroom with their child. We live in such a digitally connected world nowadays that parents are going to want some sort of access to their children's learning. This is a great tool for educators to use!
ReplyDeleteThis seems like a really great tool to have the students’ parents involved in the students tasks. I would not really see myself using this too in the future, but hope that my younger sister has teachers that will utilize this tool in order to have our parents involved in her tasks.
ReplyDeleteKidblog sounds like a great tool for teachers to use. Honestly, I wish my kids' teachers would start using this. I have never utilized this tool before, but would definitely jump on it if one of their teachers decides to use it. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteLisa, I have never heard of Kidblog before but I think its web tools like these that will make our education system a much better community. Being able to have that student, teacher, parent interaction is amazing. Parents will stay up to date and involved in their kids academic career. They can also contact the teacher if they have any questions or concerns. This is also good for outside of the classroom communication so if kids miss a day or have any questions later on information can be provided to them. As a future counselor I will be sure to let teachers know about Kidblog to help enhance their teaching methods as well. We have to continue to grow and adapt as times go on and this is the perfect tool to get started with for all those teachers looking to make a change.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I have never heard of Kidblog, it seems like a great tool for parents with younger children and also the teachers. If I was a parent with a kid in middle school, I would certainly use this tool to my advantage to see how my child was doing in school to see if he is up on his assignments and is not struggling in any classes.